There are so many things people will tell you when a baby is on the way. During those beautiful 9 months, I listened patiently to every advice that came my way as ultimately everyone was trying to be kind. However, I knew that whatever it was they were telling me, that was their journey not mine. Whatever happened to them, wouldn’t happen to me. I was curious and looking forward to meeting my baby girl. I always saw maternity as something positive so was surprised to hear negative stories: No sleep, no life, no energy, no sense of self. Despite it all, I was ready for the good and the bad and I was convinced I would enjoy it just as much as I was lucky to enjoy a worry free pregnancy.

One thing I knew I had to do, was to change my life around. Even if the change was happening with a newborn and during those first months when new mums are supposed to have stability and security. It had to be done and it all started when I suddenly decided to treat myself to something nice, something I never had. I remember checking Jettly , a private jet charter, and finding then and there that special present to myself for working hard during my pregnancy to earn every penny of my maternity leave “holiday”. I was lucky that precious time of my life felt like an eternal holiday with my precious baby .

There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky and you ask.


Oh but my darling, what if you fly?

And fly we did when my baby was only one month old. Having buggy walks in my local park in the cold and pretty dark months of December and January didn’t appeal to me, neither did the idea of hanging out with other local mums talking baby food, or breastfeeding just because.



My maternity leave was freedom, joy and moments where I truly cherished my new motherhood. We travelled alone throughout the year and Vienna, Barcelona, Porto, Santiago, Madrid, and endless beaches in the wonderful Rias Baixas made for a year to remember till I had to go back to work and leave my baby behind which was hard as I was used to being with her 24/7. I did cope for 7 months, then I knew I had to fly again. I had to change again.


This precious early years will never come back, but work, money or anything in between are always there for whenever I’m ready to do so. My baby however, won’t be 1 forever. And so, I took time off again to be 24/7 with the only person in the whole wide world I can spend 24/7 with. It’s fun, it’s joyous and I’m mature enough to realise these moments are priceless.I had to give up a career I was loving and people who were friends as well as colleagues.I had to pack again all my belongings and start anew.

Sometimes in life, you have to break free with a previous life to start a new one. You have to simply step out from the path you walk every day to walk a new one. The one you are certain is the one you should be living.


For now, Im really enjoying my life with my toddler. It will change again in less than a year but life is all about moving forward. So if you are feeling stuck but the fear of breaking free is stopping you, just think, but what if you fly ?